professional illustration & dinosaur merchandise

About Me

Hello there!
I am Therbis, an independent freelance artist located in Germany who enjoys illustrating animals, dinosaurs and fantasy creatures.
I educated in print media design and studied illustration, in 2013 I then started my career as freelancing artist.
When I´m not working I like to play airsoft, drive motorbike, enjoy being around our dogs and reptiles and draw on my webcomics.


You can find a small collection of some of my works on here, most updated pages are usually my social sites like Twitter, DeviantArt and Instagram. As you can see my passion is about animal-, fantasy- and paleoart.
As professional trained illustrator and graphics artist though, I can adapt to many styles and customers wishes.


Character Design

Comics and Cartoons

Looking for a custom piece of art? Then you are at the right place!Please note that all sales are subjected to a 7% Paypal transfer and conversion fee in case you want to pay through it. Besides Paypal I also offer bank transfer.
All prices get an additional 7% sales tax.
Thank you for your understanding!
You can contact me through Email or Discord to ask about your commission before ordering any time!My estimated prices that you can see below are rough and show a range from a simple character without much shading, to complex ones with more detail or addings like backgrounds. Your final price will depend on what you are looking for.Once you sent in all your commissions infos, ideas and wishes, I will give you a clear price for your commission. Once you accepted that price, you get invoiced and I will start working. You can also fill out the commission form to get a price estimation / the commission set up.I always take payment in advance. If wanted the client can get a bill pdf of their commission. Payment plans are available at 800€ or above.

More detailed pricing setup in my order form!
(which you can also fill and send to get a estimation send)


Starting at 100€

Clean lined character
Starting at 160€

Pet Portrait
Starting at 150€

Full illustration sketch style
Starting at 270€

**Full rendered illustration **
Starting at 550€

Comic Page or Cover
Starting at 450€

**Character dossier **
Starting at 350€

Character sheet
Starting at 250€

**Chat sticker set of 5 **
Starting at 120€

**Character design **
(price adds up to actual art piece price)

These Terms of Service are relevant to all projects and are subject to revisions, editing, and additions without notice.General Terms01) The Client must read, understand and agree to all the ToS terms before entering into an agreement with the Artist. By sending payment, the Client automatically approves reading and accepting the ToS.02) Communications about commissions between the client and Artist will take place solely through [email protected] for the purpose of record-keeping and consolidation. Discussing commissions with a Client using personal note, instant messenger or Discord will be up to the artist to decide if they want to use those platforms.03) Clear and concise visual references and/or description of a commission idea must be provided by the Client. After which a preliminary quote will be provided by the Artist. If no references are given, there will be additional costs for designing a character. If artistic freedom is chosen, edits can not be made except for character details the artist might have overseen in the process.04) The Artist reserves the right to cancel a commission and issue a refund depending on the arts status, due to poor communication, rude or inappropriate behavior, or inability to communicate in clear/effective English/German, or unforeseen inability to complete the commission.05) The artist will accept nsfw works on a basis of personal convenience. The Artist reserves the right to reject any commission for any reason.06) The Artist is not responsible for lost or damaged files after the work has been sent to the Client. The Client must take care of not loosing their file.07) The Artist may not be available to answer emails on holidays, scheduled days off work, or emergencies. If you do not receive an email reply within 7 days, feel encouraged to resend your email. Occasionally client emails are lost in the shuffle or accidentally deleted.08) If the commissioned work is a time-sensitive gift the Artist may delay public showcase at the request of the Client.Prices09) Displayed prices are subject to change according to the complexity, difficulty, size and medium of each individual piece.
The client may add their Patreon name to get their % off, if it applies to them.
Payment10) Payments must be made in full within 7 days of invoice before any work is done. Payment plans are available for those greater than €800. Once full payment has cleared, the Client‘s commission will be added to the Artist‘s work queue. Payment dates for payment plans are binding, not paying within the given time frame (set dates on bill) may conclude in the arist canceling the commission. If the payments of a payment plan are not done within 14 days after the last set pay date on the bill, the commission will be canceled. Please see point 26) about refunding policy.11) Payments are accepted in EURO only, through Paypal or banking. The artist will not accept payment in any other form. If Paypal is chosen, there will be Paypal fees added which the customer will have to pay. Payment shall only be paid, once the artist sent the invoice on Paypal or gave out their banking informations. If the client happens to send money on their own and ends up sending it to the wrong adress, it´s not the artists deal to get it fixed.Process12) Clients will have the opportunity to direct alterations of the work during the sketch/thumbnail stage, and again at the flat color stage. Requested revisions that diverge from the above named stages may increase the length of time a commissions takes, and will be billed separately. Revisions can´t be made after the commission is complete.13) Critiques and redline corrections for commissions above 200€ are welcomed to ensure the best result. Commissions under 200€ are considered small works, thus revised sketches are not factored into the price. There will be one base sketch done guided to the customers wishes. This sketch can then be edited twice. If more sketches are wished, it will have to be paid seperately.14) The Artist reserves the right to reject critique and redline pertaining to artistic skill or style preference (i.e. anatomy, coloring style, etc.) or if said critique reduces the artistic quality of the piece.15) In the event that a client is unreachable by ordinary contact means (email) for 3 months or more, a refund will not be issued. The client is welcome to receive credit valid toward another commission at the Artists current rate (having rescinded their spot in line due to lack of communication). If the client is unreachable for 6 months or more, then the payment is void.16) The Artist may recycle sketches and preparatory works that were rejected by the Commissioner for other commissions or personal works.The client is not allowed to use any sketches that have been produced whilst their commissions progress that didn't make it to the final result. The client may also not reuse sketches or get them finished by another artist, which were made within a commission which they or the artist canceled.17) The Artist ensures the Client will receive email updates on commission when necessary. If the commission is a small work (below 200€) there will be updates on sketch and color stages so changes can be made. The artist will most likely finish the commission completely after those stages. The Client can ask for more stage views, might end up paying more though since it will make the process of the work slow down due to respond waiting times. Clients are encouraged to check in when they feel it‘s necessary for updates, assurance, reminders, or questions. Public updates will also be made via trello until the commission is done.Copyright / Usage Policy18) The Artist retains all the rights to the commissioned artwork, including the right to make prints and merchandise, and to alter the commissioned work to make it more generic for print at the Artist’s discretion.The Artist retains the right to display all commissioned work on any personal website, gallery, or journal.19) The Client retains all rights to their respective characters. This does not allow them commercial rights to the commissioned image. (Can be obtained by purchasing a commercial license, every commission ordered is automatically a private license if not asking for another license).20) The Client may not profit from the artwork beyond the resale of a physical original painting or drawing (traditional media, not digital). This includes the sale of the digital files, or rights to the image. The Client may also not sell their commissioned piece as NFT!21) The Client may create prints for personal use (display in their home or as gifts). Client may also resize or crop the artwork to create icons, wallpapers, or other graphics to be used in non-commercial digital format, but the Client cannot alter the artwork itself. The Client may also upload the artwork to their personal website or gallery accompanied by a credit line to the Artist, and it must not be any full resolution version of the artwork.22) The Client is not allowed to give the commissioned artwork (no matter if sketched status or finished design) to a different artist and change the commissioned art in any way. If there are changes wanted on the design, they must be made with the original artist, even if it´s long time after a project is finished.23) For being able to use your commissioned piece commercial, you will have to buy a commercial usage license. It´s price will depend on the size of the project, the planned usage and range (private person, local business or worldwide trader). A basic license tends to be around 200-300% of the original art pieces price. The final price though is always to be discussed first!24) By buying a license, you only buy a single one (except clarified differently beforehand). If you plan to sell a license to different partners, the Client will have to buy multiple licenses from the artist. This can also be done after the project has been finished a longer time ago. A multiple-use license would work better for such cases, just have it communicated.25) The Artist keeps the copyright to the commission. A Client who bought a commercial usage license, may post their image online, get it printed and given away. They don´t need to add the artist in every post, it is greatly welcome though! If the Client get´s asked though about the original artist, the Client must tell them and hand them a link to the artists website
The artist still keeps the right to post the work of the client on any of their own websites and portfolios.
Canceling / Refunding Policy26) Refund policy is as follows; if the client wishes to cancel their commission before work begins, the artist will retain 10% of the original commission payment in Euro as a convenience fee. In the event of Client cancellation during the sketch/thumbnail stage phase, a 50% refund of original payment will be issued. No refund will be issued if the Client cancels after the sketch stage.27) If the Artist cancels the commission, 100% of the original commission payment in Euro will be refunded to the Client. If the cancelation happened due to rude or inappropriate behavior of the Client though, the artist will again keep a 10% convenience fee. If the cancelation happend through the artist but due to the client not paying within the given time, rule 26) applies and no refunds will be issued.

Contact me

You got questions about my work, commission infos or miss any certain informations?Feel free to contact me at any time!You can either Email me or text me on Discord!

[email protected]
